Jack Parkinson


Cool things I've found around the web. As search engines rot and fall apart, it's important to remember that in the good old days almost everything you could find was found organically on pages like these.

If you have a personal site (which you should!) do your part to make the internet fun again and assemble a links page.

Everything Search Tool

A real-time filename and filepath search engine for Windows. The Windows search bar used to be functional, but with Win10 Microsoft turned it into a nonfunctioning piece of garbage that is meant to show you ads and search the internet via Bing. This sucks.

Everything uses Windows's Journalling file system to function, which you won't find on any Linux machine since files are managed differently.

Using Everything has saved me huge amounts of time in my daily PC usage, and totally changed the way I interact with my PC. I'm not exaggerating when I say this program changed my life. Use it.